Munchies ·
Munchies VIBE II: The Future of Aligner Therapy Predictability

The all-new Munchies® VIBE II has been created to rewrite the future of predictability in clear aligner therapy treatments Now with the vibratory EPS attachment head for superior seating, engagement and acceleration!
The Munchies® VIBE II device delivers controlled and symmetrical acceleration (through osteoclastic activation and increased inflammatory markers) and optimised aligner seating which leads to faster and more predictable orthodontic movements.
The acceleration outcome is achieved through the delivery of specific high-frequency acceleration (HFA) forces which are anatomically targeted through morphologically shaped nodular attachments.
Usage Protocol of Munchies VIBE II
The ideal protocol for use of Munchies® VIBE II is to utilise twice per day for 8 minutes each time: 2 minutes on each side of the mouth using the posterior nodular attachment (total 4 minutes).
1 minute on the premolars of each side with the EPS vibratory attachment (total 2 minutes) and then 2 minutes using the anterior nodular attachment (total 2 minutes). This protocol is integrated with use during the day at every aligner reinsertion using the Munchies®️ EPS device.

Additional seating in areas that may be lagging can be achieved by using the specific grooved anterior attachments as directed.

How Does the Munchies VIBE II Work
Orthodontic tooth movement was assessed when HFA parameters, frequency, acceleration, duration of exposure, and direct or indirect application were varied. Researchers found that HFA treatment significantly enhances the inflammation-dependent catabolic cascade during orthodontic tooth movement.

HFA treatment increases inflammatory mediators and osteoclastogenesis, and decreased alveolar bone density during orthodontic tooth movement. Each of the HFA variables produced significant changes in the rate of tooth movement and the effect was PDL-dependent.
Thirty patients with initial Class I skeletal relationships, initial minimum-moderate crowding (3–5 mm), treated to completion with clear aligners and adjunctive high-frequency vibration, (HFV group) or no vibration, (Control group) were evaluated.
The patients were instructed to change aligners as soon as they become loose. Changes in bone density associated with orthodontic treatment were evaluated using i-CAT cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) and InVivo Anatomage®️ software to quantify density using Hounsfield units (HU) between treated teeth in 10 different regions. HU values were averaged and compared against baseline (T1) and between the groups at initiation of retention (T2).
RESULTS: The average time for aligner change was 5.2 days in the HFA group, and 8.7 days in the control group . There was significant T1 to T2 increase of HU values in the upper arch (P = 0.0001) and the lower arch (P = 0.008) in the HFA group. There was no significant change in average HU values in the upper (P = 0.83) or lower arches (P = 0.33) in the control group. The intergroup comparison revealed a significant difference in the upper, (P = 0.0001) and lower arches (P = 0.007).
CONCLUSION: High-frequency acceleration devices, adjunctive to clear aligners, allowed early aligner changes that led to shorter treatment time in minimum-moderate crowded cases.
Why is it Superior to Other Devices?
The brilliant segmentalised design of Munchies® VIBE II ensures that all areas of the mouth, regardless of the occlusion or occlusal plane, receives an equal distribution of HFA forces. Other flat plane devices simply cannot deliver forces to all teeth simultaneously and produce poor clinical results.

The anterior nodular attachment engages all
maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth.

The posterior nodular attachment engages all
premolar and molar teeth, regardless of the occlusal plane.

The grooved anterior attachments are designed to apply high-frequency vibration to anterior teeth which may be lagging during treatment.

The new vibratory EPS attachment engages the premolars
in particular, which is critical particularly in expansion cases.

The enhanced posterior seating and acceleration from the optimised vibratory forces makes the Vibe II an essential element in all clear aligner cases. This design ensures maximum efficacy by a significant coronal encapsulation of each tooth which delivers an even distribution of high-frequency acceleration forces.

Each tooth is then subjected to similar force systems which creates controlled and symmetrical acceleration.