Diamond Burs: World’s Finest Diamonds

In the field of dentistry, precision is essential. Dental professionals rely on a variety of tools to navigate the intricate landscapes of oral health. Among these tools, diamond burs shine as diamonds, offering exceptional versatility, cutting efficiency, and durability.
These burs are revolutionizing the way dentists approach various dental procedures, from interproximal reduction to restoration.
The primary purpose of the exquisite Margins restoration finishing burs is to create an interface that is smooth, uniform and easily cleaned by the patient. This will increase the longevity of the restoration, decrease the incidence of recurrent caries and promote the health of surrounding tissues.
The outcome of utilising these burs includes: smooth, undetectable margins, Plaque-resistant surfaces, Healthier gingival tissues, Increased longevity of restorations, enhanced esthetics, and proper contours.
The burs come in 2 sizes: 3.5 millimeters and 6.0 millimeters, and in 3 grits: Fine, Super Fine, and Extra Super Fine
The burs are simple to use:
- Run a sharp probe over the interface between the restoration and tooth structure and choose the diamond size that will provide the most accurate reduction.
- Commence with the blue band diamond for the initial reduction, making sure to check the margin continuously for overhangs.
- Once removed, polish with the red and then the yellow band diamonds.
- Remember to handle with care and place the bur into the high-speed handpiece with fingers or tweezers.
Composite Attachment Finishing Burs are exquisitely manufactured fine diamond burs that have been specifically engineered to provide rapid and accurate removal of excess composite resin after placement of attachments associated with clear alignment therapy, They are equally as effective in gently removing attachments with minimal enamel impact at the end of treatment.
The design and diminutive size allow the user to easily manoeuvre the bur around even the most delicate attachment shapes, ensuring that no residual resin is left on the enamel, which may impinge upon the seating of the aligner.
The burs are delivered in packs of 2 or 5, in 2 sizes (3.5mm and 6mm) and 3 grits depicted by the different band colours: blue, red and yellow:
- A Blue band bur for rapid reduction and removal of excess resin
- A Red band bur for initial finishing of the excess resin and enamel
- A Yellow band bur for establishing a high polish of the enamel to use for trimming and finishing attachments, after they have been placed and fully cured, identify any excess by visual inspection or by the use of ultraviolet L.E.D.
Using CAB is simple:
- Remove a blue CAB bur from the package with tweezers and place into a high-speed turbine using finger pressure only.
- Select a size that allows the easiest access and maximum control.
- Gently wipe away the excess composite, trying to avoid touching the body of the attachment.
- Once the excess has been removed, change to the red bur and polish the attachment-enamel interface.
- Then swap to the super-fine yellow band bur and polish the enamel to a high lustre.
- When utilising the burs for the removal of attachments at the end of treatment, take the blue CAB bur from the package with tweezers and place into a high-speed turbine using finger pressure only. Gently wipe away the body of the composite attachment, until you get close to the enamel.
- Once the body of the attachment has been removed, change to the red bur and polish the attachment completely away, back to the enamel surface.
- Then swap to the super-fine yellow band bur and polish the enamel to a high lustre. Application of topical fluoride is highly recommended.
- For detailed information on Finishing and Removing Attachment techniques go to our website or YouTube channel.
iPR burs offer the dental health care professional the opportunity to produce rapid, deadly accurate interproximal reduction, which is comfortable to the patient. These burs are designed by experts in orthodontix, and utilise specially engineered medical-grade stainless steel shanks, with robust natural diamond grits.
Reduction can be delivered from as minimal an amount as 0.25mm, right up to 0.5mm.
The IPR Burs come in 3 distinct grits:
- The Blue band burs are a fine grit and provides the fastest reduction. Both the 3.5 and 6mm are ideal for anterior or posterior reduction of 0.30mm to 0.5mm.
- The Red band is coated with a super fine diamond grit. These superb diamonds are designed for precision IPR from 0.25mm to 0.5mm.
- The Yellow band extra super fine diamonds are the most delicate and are ideal for the final stages of IPR and polishing the enamel. They are easy to use and extremely gentle.
The two most common techniques employed with these burs are the gingival to incisal, whereby the bur is engaged below the contact point and moved occlusally, and the traditional buccal to lingual method.
The gingival to incisal IPR technique is ideally suited when an interproximal embrasure allows for the bur to be easily inserted without fear of papilla trauma. The super-fine red or fine blue bur is employed initially and only utilises the thinnest third of the diamond.This provides exquisite control and no danger of over-reduction. The quantity of removal is verified and then the extra-super fine yellow diamond is utilised to polish the proximal walls. A curved QwikStrip can be also be used to ensure no ledging and to reproduce a harmonious gingival embrasure.
The buccal to lingual or palatal IPR technique is indicated when no navigable gingival embrasure exists. The key is to open up the contact points with a thin opening handsaw, such as the white 0.05mm qwikstrip, and then to employ the most diminutive diamond. The aim is to try and utilise the thinnest parts of the diamond at all times. Polishing with a yellow Extra-Super Fine diamond and fashioning ideal anatomy and embrasures can be delivered with a curved QwikStrip.