ipr Diamond Burs

ipr burs offer the dental health care professional the opportunity to produce rapid, deadly accurate interproximal reduction, which is comfortable to the patient. These burs are designed by experts in orthodontics, and utilise specially engineered medical-grade stainless steel shanks, with robust natural diamond grits. Reduction can be delivered from as minimal an amount as 0.25mm, right up to 0.5mm.
The ipr diamond Burs come in 3 distinct grits:

- The Blue band burs are a fine grit and provides the fastest reduction. Both the 3.5 and 6mm are ideal for anterior or posterior reduction of 0.30mm to 0.5mm.
- The Red band is coated with a super fine diamond grit. These superb diamonds are designed for precision IPR from 0.25mm to 0.5mm.
- The Yellow band extra super fine diamonds are the most delicate and are ideal for the final stages of IPR and polishing the enamel. They are easy to use and extremely gentle.
The two most common techniques employed with these burs are the gingival to incisal, whereby the bur is engaged below the contact point and moved occlusally, and the traditional buccal to lingual method.
Gingival to Incisal IPR Technique

The gingival to incisal IPR technique is ideally suited when an interproximal embrasure allows for the bur to be easily inserted without fear of papilla trauma. The super-fine red or fine blue bur is employed initially and only utilises the thinnest third of the diamond. This provides exquisite control and no danger of over-reduction. The quantity of removal is verified and then the extra-super fine yellow diamond is utilised to polish the proximal walls. A curved QwikStrip can be also be used to ensure no ledging and to reproduce a harmonious gingival embrasure.
Buccal to Lingual or Palatal IPR Technique

The buccal to lingual or palatal IPR technique is indicated when no navigable gingival embrasure exists. The key is to open up the contact points with a thin opening handsaw, such as the white 0.05mm qwikstrip, and then to employ the most diminutive diamond. The aim is to try and utilise the thinnest parts of the diamond at all times. Polishing with a yellow Extra-Super Fine diamond and fashioning ideal anatomy and embrasures can be delivered with a curved QwikStrip.
Dr David Penn